Monday, June 23, 2008

Summer Solstice 2008

The weekend was crazy and long but I survived... barely!

I watched the kids in the morning and actually rode my bike... yes you heard me right... rode my bike down to the beach. I had to dust it off, but it was a tiny bit of exercise before all the drinking.

It was an amazing day... way to hot and everyone burnt their feet. Tome has a blister the entire length of his foot. Glad I wasn't the only one flicking people with sand with my flips.

It was a fun day with the girls. Lots of vb, lots of sun... and of course to much drinking.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

I have finally entered the world of "blog." Thank you to Sara for setting my page up and for showing me how to add music, and Linds for walking me through it. Didn't realize how computer "retarted" I am. So now that I have music, I am ging to try to write in my blog daily... is that possible...?
Today is Summer Solstice... the first day of summer, and more importantly, the Summer Solstice Volley Ball Tournoment. Everyone is already down at the beach cocktailing and having a good time... and I am being the wonderful mother I am hanging with the boys till Esmeralda, our sitter comes. We'll see how the day goes. Happy first day of summer!
It was a year ago this time that Tome's mom passed away... we miss her very much!