Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentines Day and Birthday to Paige!

It is Valentines Day weekend! Lots of mommy and me parties and dinner parties with kids planned.
More importantly... Happy birthday on Valentines Day to my dear friend Paige. Thank you for the years of laughter and friendship. You are one of my most favorite people and definitely the sister I never had... Love you to death!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Kyle's Latest Big Boy Hair Cut

Thanks to Ray and Floyds... you can see Kyle's face once again. Hopefully this one will last a little bit longer. Kyle is not a fan of getting his hair cut and has to sit on mommy's lap. Today...I look liked a human hair ball. I didn't realize how much hair Kyle had... but he looks so cute!

Rainy Days!

It is really not a lot of fun being stuck inside ALL day when it is rainning with kids. They go stir crazy... make a mess of EVERYTHING and run laps around the house. Thank god for Adventureplex!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sunday Funday

It's Super Bowl Sunday...! Back in the day, this was a day I looked forward to... a day of beer bonging and socializing. Today, I actually get to go to a grown-up party at Salt Creek Grill.

The weather has been amazing. Took the boys on a walk this morning to Coffee Bean - of course (for those of you who know me- a daily ritual). Looked like Kyle had some coffee too, with all his energy and silly faces!
You can now see Caden's hair... a big improvement... THANKS FLOYDS!

Boys in their pj's

A lazy weekend... sleeping in until 7...