Friday, October 24, 2008


Sunday was the Jimmy Miller Memorial Foundation. It is always such a great event. So many people come out to support and surf. The day turned out to be beautiful. Kyle and Caden of course had a blast... Kyle running around getting his ugg boots wet and Caden eatting sand... a typical day for us. Tome was a good daddy as always, and played with the boys! Love him!!! Can you tell this is our new favorite beannie...?

Thanks Nana for my Tiger!

Nana bought Kyle his first "Build a Bear" tiger at the fair last weekend. As usual, a spoiled grand baby. We thought... just another $40... but Kyle has not put this Tiger down. He calls him Tigger the Tiger and loves him! Thanks Nana!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I'm not the only one who thinks my kids are cute...

Caden booked his first job for a Target ad! We are all excited at the Baldocchi household. Don't know how the day will go. Need to be in Santa Monica all day Thursday. Hopefully Caden will be in a good mood and show off his dimples. Thank god Nana will be around to watch Kyle... It will definitely be an interesting day with a lot of stage moms. I already got a taste of it at the audition. I am definitely, nor will I become, a stage mom...
I will post pictures when we get them!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Haiden Surf and Little Fit

Haiden Surf has partnered with Little Fit hats! We have designed a custom hat that will be Haiden Surf by Little Fit. A baby truckers hat. Super cute! Here are my boys showing off...

Is it Halloween?

Halloween is weeks away (it was when these pictures were taken)... and Kyle will not take off his brothers Halloween costume. Caden is not even being a pumpkin, his mother is actually going to be crafty and make him into Mike Wazowski from Monsters Inc (it came out great). Luckily Kyle's Sully costume came!

It's funny how last year we were begging Kyle to put on his costume and this year we are begging him to take it off.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

HAPPY Birthday SAR!!!

Today is Sara's 31st birthday... Happy birthday to her! I hope she has the birthday she deserves. Sara is one of my oldest friends and I cherish our friendship. She is more of a sister then a friend, and I love her dearly. So sad she doesn't live closer, but appreciative she doesn't live further away. Hoping to get together to celebrate her special day soon. I love my beautiful friend!!!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Is mom ready for winter?

So these past few days have been bananas hot. (Bananas is my new word for crazy that I am stealing from Rachel Zoe... my new favorite person).

Anyways, check out my two most favorite people (other than my husband of course) wearing their first winter purchase. Pretty cute if I do say so...