Sunday, January 25, 2009

Strike a pose

Just being Kyle..

Caden's First Hair Cut

Thought it was looking good... until... poof
How cute is the "hair piece?"
So I thought it was WAY passed time Caden got his hair cut. I was just loving his curls. Daddy suggested I cut his hair... so I got it all wet and cut it off... Caden's hair is nothing like Kyle's and not so easy to cute. It looked good when it was wet... but when it dried... it looked like he was wearing a hair piece... classic. Had to take him to Floyds (the best) to get it fixed. Hairstylist... not one of my many jobs.
To be continued... will upload his new better do...

Check out the before and afters...

Haiden Surf Photo Shoot

Yesterday we had our first official Haiden Surf Photo Shoot! OMG... it was insanity. My worst nightmare come true... a million little kids in my house making a mess (I"m beyond anal with cleanliness)... but it was a lot of fun and we got some amazing shots. All of our models were amazing: Kyle, Haiden, Caden, Braden (thats right... all the right names) Riley - our honorary gidget, Eli, Carter, Cole and Grant. I will post pictures when we get them. The photographer I have used to photo my births did this to me as a gift... she is amazing.
Kyle was all geared up and ready to shoot... check him out in his goggles... classic!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Caden is Cute!

Just having fun in mommy's beannie!

Long Beach Aquarium

We are now officially members of the Long Beach Aquarium. Kyle and Caden both love all the animals and could spend all day there. It's a bummer Caden isn't walking yet... soon enough. This is such a fun place to come... even for an hour and then have lunch. Last weekend we got to play with our friend Grant - who Kyle thinks is GOD! So much fun!!! Thanks Grant!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Play Date with Riley

Tuesday we went to a park that had a train and horses for the kids to ride. We all took the train ride and then it was time for Riley and Kyle to ride the horses. There are three tracks that the horses take the kids along... slow, medium and fast. Summer and I wanted Riley and Kyle to go in the medium line, but when we got to the front the man said they had to be three. So Kyle and Riley got on the slow track and had a blast. While Summer and I watched, the medium track horses started to take off... they were running so fast, we were glad we didnt' put our kids on them, they would have freaked. It was funny watching the kids though. So much fun with the Sheets family, as always.

Christmas Day at Nana and Papas

Some more presents... and of course more eatting!

Christmas Morning

The boys were spoiled of course. Christmas is ALWAYS a big day! They got way to many presents and were so overwhelmed. Kyle decided he liked this Santa character!